Yep, beautiful. Thanks -- I love seeing images of how my neighborhood looked decades ago before I was old enough to move here from Connecticut. It makes me wistful, though -- I'd certainly much rather go to see BROKEN LANCE with Tracy and Widmark than any of the movies that are playing today at the Chinese multiplex.
I wish the musical elements to Leigh Harline's score to MAN OF THE WEST were preserved by the Mirisch Brothers. Yes! Me too...
I wish the musical elements to Leigh Harline's score to MAN OF THE WEST were preserved by the Mirisch Brothers. Excellent film and score. Bobby Troup wrote the impressive main title theme. I too would love to have the score. PFK, although Bobby Troup did write a song for Man of the West, it bears no relation to Leigh Harline's Americana-type approach in the actual main title of the picture. Bobby Troup's song (sung by his wife Julie London) can be heard here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsCYJTHfWPg Mr Harline's impressive music opens this Youtube sequence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb31ovSWr5I
Posted: |
Jul 16, 2016 - 10:35 AM
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Listening to the main title, one might believe it was the score to a late '40s-early '50s crime drama with an Asian flavor, but it's a western! Lots of melodramatic, "psychological"-sounding music by Harline here. It's funny you should say this, Jim Phelps. BROKEN LANCE, with an Oscar-winning script by Philip Yordan, is based on his screenplay for the family crime-drama made by 20th-Fox in 1949, HOUSE OF STRANGERS. (Yordan had adapted it from a novel by Jerome Weidman.) Fox seemed to love this material, as it was also made into a family-drama about a European circus, THE BIG SHOW, starring Esther Williams and Cliff Robertson, in 1961.