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This is a comments thread about Blog Post: Herrmann Centennial Concert Work Series: Currier and Ives Suite by Mark Ford
 Posted:   Apr 19, 2011 - 5:22 PM   
 By:   babbelballetje   (Member)

I wasn't familiar with this suite before, but it sounds really nice. I've tried and tried to like Wuthering heights as well, but it's not my cup of tea I guess.

Next time Souvenirs de voyage?

 Posted:   Apr 19, 2011 - 8:52 PM   
 By:   Mark Ford   (Member)

I wasn't familiar with this suite before, but it sounds really nice. I've tried and tried to like Wuthering heights as well, but it's not my cup of tea I guess.?

Opera may not play all that big here and even for those that it does, it certainly can be difficult to enjoy some works. I haven't heard WH yet myself except for a few excerpts so I can't say one way or the other personally.

Next time Souvenirs de voyage?

Yep, that'll be the last entry in the concert series. I may follow it with a Herrmann radio music blog or two.

 Posted:   May 9, 2011 - 7:08 PM   
 By:   lexedo   (Member)

Prior to your series of postings, I had only heard Moby Dick.

I enjoyed the article on The Fantastiks most bc you reduced some of the technicalities that are beyond the scope of my knowledge, to a level that I could comprehend (viz., w 1o+ years of private lessons, but no advanced study at the university level).

Thanks again. Good reads.

 Posted:   Oct 1, 2020 - 2:54 PM   
 By:   Viscount Bark   (Member)

There is, of course, the Sedares recording of this five-movement work done in the 1990s for the Koch label, but I also have an older recording of it (containing just the final three movements) from The Night Digger album. Does anyone know when this recording was made? (It sounds like it could be a radio performance) and who conducted it? It could be from the 1930s-1950s from the sound of it.

I much appreciate any information or thoughts.

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