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 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 1:21 AM   
 By:   Riddick   (Member)

I have been waiting for an answer for over three weeks now. I have send three messages. No reply! Where are they? Katie usually answers in 24 hours.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 3:25 AM   
 By:   nevinson1966   (Member)

Been waiting 4 weeks now,my order for 4 cds still not shipped yet,no reason given for delay,not a word from them, will be buying from europe in future,due to ridiculous shipping charges to the uk.Sorry SAE,another long-time customer gone!!!

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 3:37 AM   
 By:   HARRYO   (Member)

To be honest, I have never had any problem with SAE Customer Service. They to me, have always been courteous and fair. This is really aimed at UK Customs and Post Office. For as I gather SAE now have to put the full purchase price on their Customs form, which is quite understandable- Legally speaking, then UK Customs will levy a surcharge - apart from the holdup this takes in Customs - and then Post Office adds £8 for collecting the levy on Customs behalf.

I always thought the SAE Post charge to the UK were quite fair - not like some on Ebay who want to charge $21 to send a small magazine through the Post!

Sad, I was thinking of ordering a few of the Twilight Time Sale items, but when you think of all the surcharges this end, it wouldn't be worth it. Anything saved would be lost . Sad.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 3:43 AM   
 By:   Stovepipe46   (Member)

Here! Here! I've always bought from Screen Archives as they have always offered reasonable shipping charges (Intradas charges are ridiculous) and have had good service from them but things seemed to have changed. I have always asked for them to declare a nominal valley on the customs declaration of $20 on my orders and the have complied but my last order to them they declared $41.90 as a result my order was held up for a week by UK Customs and when it was delivered I had an additional £11.60 to pay.
I'll have to look elsewhere for my orders, probably Music Box records in France or Elite Soundtracks in the UK but thay are slow and expensive.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 3:54 AM   
 By:   nevinson1966   (Member)

Yes,customs and post office in the UK are now levying charges,paid £10.80 on 1 single cd from SAE,same again on another single cd,total of £21.60 0n 2 different orders,dread to think what the charge will be for the 4 cds from SAE,that I am still waiting for.

Bit of advice here,if you order from Elite in the UK and you have any cause for complaint you might get banned from ordering,seems the owner does not like complaints and puts a ban on you, good customer relations there too!!!

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 3:54 AM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

Here! Here! I've always bought from Screen Archives as they have always offered reasonable shipping charges (Intradas charges are ridiculous)

In what universe is 23 USD for 7 CDs ridiculous (or even more since they don't count 2CD set as two separate items as the rest of the labels/stores)?

Try to compare shipping prices when ordering 7x 2CD set from SAE, BSX or LLL and from Intrada. And then talk about ridiculously expensive.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 4:06 AM   
 By:   WagnerAlmighty   (Member)

To be honest, I have never had any problem with SAE Customer Service. They to me, have always been courteous and fair.

This, plus they've always been freakily fast with shipping, time and again. SAE is reliably great imo.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 4:21 AM   
 By:   Riddick   (Member)

To be honest, I have never had any problem with SAE Customer Service. They to me, have always been courteous and fair.

This, plus they've always been freakily fast with shipping, time and again. SAE is reliably great imo.

I order SAE a lot. Never problems before.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 4:21 AM   
 By:   davefg   (Member)

Yes,customs and post office in the UK are now levying charges,paid £10.80 on 1 single cd from SAE,same again on another single cd,total of £21.60 0n 2 different orders,dread to think what the charge will be for the 4 cds from SAE,that I am still waiting for.

Bit of advice here,if you order from Elite in the UK and you have any cause for complaint you might get banned from ordering,seems the owner does not like complaints and puts a ban on you, good customer relations there too!!!

You used to be able to get cheap shipping and skip customs if you bought through their store front. Sadly they've jacked up the prices plus their stock is quite limited.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 4:40 AM   
 By:   litefoot   (Member)

Yes,customs and post office in the UK are now levying charges,paid £10.80 on 1 single cd from SAE,same again on another single cd,total of £21.60 0n 2 different orders,dread to think what the charge will be for the 4 cds from SAE,that I am still waiting for.

Slightly alarmed by this development. So now Naxos and SAE are doing it - not going to help European buyers.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 5:01 AM   
 By:   davefg   (Member)

Yes,customs and post office in the UK are now levying charges,paid £10.80 on 1 single cd from SAE,same again on another single cd,total of £21.60 0n 2 different orders,dread to think what the charge will be for the 4 cds from SAE,that I am still waiting for.

Slightly alarmed by this development. So now Naxos and SAE are doing it - not going to help European buyers.

Only a matter of time before LLL and Intrada join that list. Bad times for European buyers.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 5:15 AM   
 By:   litefoot   (Member)

Yes,customs and post office in the UK are now levying charges,paid £10.80 on 1 single cd from SAE,same again on another single cd,total of £21.60 0n 2 different orders,dread to think what the charge will be for the 4 cds from SAE,that I am still waiting for.

Slightly alarmed by this development. So now Naxos and SAE are doing it - not going to help European buyers.

Only a matter of time before LLL and Intrada join that list. Bad times for European buyers.

It's going to hit the labels in the pocket, too. Blasted USPS!!!

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 5:18 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I think I will start asking the soundtrack labels in the USA to send me some FREE GIFT SAMPLE CD'S in the post and then I will send them a DONATION via paypal of what they think the full worth is.
Take That USPS and Royal Mail wink

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 5:49 AM   
 By:   bryantburnette   (Member)

Here! Here!

The saying is "hear, hear!"

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 5:53 AM   
 By:   dtw   (Member)

General world of surcharges for UK buyers...

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 6:35 AM   
 By:   Montana Dave   (Member)

I think I will start asking the soundtrack labels in the USA to send me some FREE GIFT SAMPLE CD'S in the post and then I will send them a DONATION via paypal of what they think the full worth is.
Take That USPS and Royal Mail wink

S.A.E; and The Major Labels are going to (eventually), take a big hit in their respective pocketbooks with what is developing here. S.A.E. still is the best as far as dealing with their North American customers, but I wonder if we will be 'enough' to keep them in business? I consider myself (extremely) fortunate in that living in The State of Montana, I don't have to pay ANY salex taxes at all. So Kev McGann, I get the good services, but YOU get to go down to The High Street for a ridiculously cheap Cadbury Flake.

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 6:49 AM   
 By:   litefoot   (Member)

I think I will start asking the soundtrack labels in the USA to send me some FREE GIFT SAMPLE CD'S in the post and then I will send them a DONATION via paypal of what they think the full worth is.
Take That USPS and Royal Mail wink

S.A.E; and The Major Labels are going to (eventually), take a big hit in their respective pocketbooks with what is developing here. S.A.E. still is the best as far as dealing with their North American customers, but I wonder if we will be 'enough' to keep them in business? I consider myself (extremely) fortunate in that living in The State of Montana, I don't have to pay ANY salex taxes at all. So Kev McGann, I get the good services, but YOU get to go down to The High Street for a ridiculously cheap Cadbury Flake.

What if I sent you some cheap Flakes and you sent me some marked down soundtrack parcels? There's a solution to everything smile

 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Katie @ SAE   (Member)

I have been waiting for an answer for over three weeks now. I have send three messages. No reply! Where are they? Katie usually answers in 24 hours.


I have answered all e-mails up to current so if no replay has been received I can only assume I have not received an e-mail from you. Please be sure you are sending the e-mail to either"> or and I will be happy to help where help is needed.


 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 7:59 AM   
 By:   Katie @ SAE   (Member)

Been waiting 4 weeks now,my order for 4 cds still not shipped yet,no reason given for delay,not a word from them, will be buying from europe in future,due to ridiculous shipping charges to the uk.Sorry SAE,another long-time customer gone!!!


If you order is holding it is likely for a pre-order or out of stock item. If you could send me an e-mail with your order number I would be happy to look into this for you.


 Posted:   Jun 20, 2018 - 8:08 AM   
 By:   Katie @ SAE   (Member)

To all for the customs declarations -

I am very sorry for this but the laws have gotten much stricter within our country and abroad and we MUST list the full merchandise value on the declaration otherwise, we have been forewarned of our previous practices and we will be fined if we do not adhere to the law. This has really always been the law but is now being monitored more closely. Whether we put an invoice within the shipment or not customs has the right to request an invoice either from us or you the customer and when the total of the merchandise does not match the declaration that is a strike and an offense and we can lose our shipping privileges or worse.

Australia has it way worse starting July 1st - The Federal Parliament in Australia has passed a law that will extend GST (goods and services tax) to low value physical goods imported by consumers beginning July 1, 2018. Businesses that meet the threshold will need to take action now to review their business systems and ensure that they are able to comply.

We wish this were not the way as we do not want to lose any of our valued customers but this is truly out of our hands.

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