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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Gremlins
 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   Chris Avis   (Member)

Lukas, Craig et al... thank you SO much for this! I know you're not done yet, but way to go out with a bang! Look at all the logos on the back cover - someone alluded to this being a messy release to get out there because of rights issues, so thank you to all involved for your efforts. I'm having a bad week and this announcement totally made my week.


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:38 AM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

Great release! I can remember exactly when I first saw Gremlins as a kid, during a relatives' house and amidst the family gathering all the kids present got to watch Gremlins on tv! Loved the music then, it's been a long wait. Thank you Lukas & all who brought this to be.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:42 AM   
 By:   Anthony Marose   (Member)

Now what are we going to scream for? wink

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:51 AM   
 By:   filmusicnow   (Member)

Finally! What took it so long? And yes, ORDERED!!!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:51 AM   
 By:   Mike Esssss   (Member)


I can't believe it's actually here.

HUGE congratulations to Lukas and everyone at FSM for putting their time, sweat and money into making this release possible.


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:56 AM   
 By:   bdm   (Member)

Thank you Lukas et al - I loves me my Jerry; even more when a two disc set is what I would ball "budget priced" below the expected 29.99!

Another Goldsmith for the shelf; another oft requested title no longer appearing on the guess lists in speculation threads; AND another Williams score as well (and I loves me my Johnny too)!

Bought, bought, and grateful! Thank you again!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 11:58 AM   
 By:   swayland7   (Member)

Just ordered the CRAP out of this at SAE. Looks like a terrific presentation of the music and I look forward to reading the liner notes! Thanks FSM and SAE!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:01 PM   
 By:   tarasis   (Member)

Will this beat Explorers in terms of selling out? I suspect it will be the fastest sellout yet (though please not till my kids are in bed)

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:03 PM   
 By:   David Sones (Allardyce)   (Member)

$30 has never flown out of my hand as fast as it did just now. big grin

Thanks and congrats to FSM!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:06 PM   
 By:   spielboy   (Member)

excellent release, I wont even complain for that second CD.

is this limited?

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:07 PM   
 By:   mstrox   (Member)

Will this beat Explorers in terms of selling out? I suspect it will be the fastest sellout yet (though please not till my kids are in bed)

I have a feeling this one won't be selling out any time soon wink

Unlimited edition, wooo!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:14 PM   
 By:   Morricone   (Member)

Lotsa new music!

Lotsa extras!

Lotsa liner notes!

Lotsa relief from pushy demands for this release.

Happiness all around!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:18 PM   
 By:   Smokey McBongwater   (Member)

Will this beat Explorers in terms of selling out? I suspect it will be the fastest sellout yet (though please not till my kids are in bed)

Depends on whether it is limited or not. If limited I would think it would be gone in a short amount of time.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:19 PM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

Fantastic ideas for a fantastic world. Thanks, guys.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:21 PM   
 By:   jfallon   (Member)

Knew this was coming but I can't believe I am listening to those glorious samples. Release of the decade for me. Can't wait to wade through the liner notes of this one. Aside from a hopeful Hoosiers this could be my last great unreleased Goldsmith gem. Sad in a way...

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:26 PM   
 By:   SpaceMind   (Member)


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:27 PM   
 By:   foxmorty   (Member)

i tells ya, you leave the house for just a few hours and then this! it's an epic day, to forever be remembered. and a john williams! he's certainly making a resurgence onto CD these days.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 12:40 PM   
 By:   Anthony Marose   (Member)

Lukas, who all helped in producing this? Was Douglass Fake or any other producer a part of bringing this release to fruition?

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 2:48 PM   
 By:   mildcigar   (Member)

1 Comment.


Over and Out.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 2:51 PM   
 By:   YOR The Hunter From The Future   (Member)


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